Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas in NC

For the second year in a row Team Liz celebrated Christmas in North Carolina. We ate copious amounts of food at the traditional Christmas Eve dinner and then on Christmas morning we opened all of our presents. Team Liz could always find there presents under the tree because they are all wrapped with Stars of David or menorahs!

The above photo includes Paul (Liz's step-brother), Carrie (Paul's wife),
Danny (Liz's step-brother), Tanya (Liz's sister),
Liz and Saul, in front of the Christmas Tree.

And below is Tanya and all of her presents on Christmas morning.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Team Liz Celebrates a Birthday

Team Liz celebrated Liz's birthday in North Carolina on December 23rd. We did some last minute shopping at the mall, saw a movie and then ate dinner at home and even had a tasty chocolate cake!

Liz and her little sister Tanya after the movies.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Saul in San Diego

Saul went out to San Diego to participate in the Union of Reform Judaism's Biennial conference. While there he and his brother Mark took an "insiders" tour of the San Diego Zoo. Here is a photo of Saul from the zoo during his most recent trip as well as a comparison shot from his first trip to the zoo in 1969.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Team Liz is Pregnant

For those of you who have not heard - Liz is pregnant. Naturally Team Liz is very excited to welcome into the world a new member of this team. God willing we expect an arrival date sometime in the middle of April.

Here is a picture of Liz about 20 weeks pregnant.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Saul's Latest Article

Saul has been hard at work writing articles about Jewish education that are appearing in publications throughout the Jewish world.

Check-out his latest article in the CAJE newsletter.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Jeff Freirich Obituaries

As many of you know Liz's father recently passed away (October 14, 2007). We wanted to make the obituaries that appeared in the Salisbury Post, Jeff's home paper, and the one from the NY Times available for you to read. Just click on either link below.

Salisbury Post

NY Times

Also, please find below the eulogy that Liz wrote. Some of you may have heard this either at the funeral or at one of the shiva minyanim at our house but we thought we would share this as well.

Although Dad was not a profoundly religious man he was connected to Judaism in his own way. Over the last two years I enjoyed the couple of times that Dad and I went to Temple Israel together. It meant a lot to me to have this time to sit in synagogue and reflect and to pray next to my father.

In the Jewish tradition we read a different section of the Bible each week. This week we are reading from Genesis chapter 12. Many of you will know this story as it is the first time that God speaks to Abraham.

The first two verses of the chapter go roughly as follows:

The Lord said to Avram “Go forth from your native land and from your father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation and I will bless you. I will make your name great and you shall be a blessing…”

Although I am quite certain that Dad never heard the voice of God or at least he never told us if he did, I was struck by the parallels between God’s command to Abraham and some aspects of Dad’s life.

God tells Abraham to leave his native land and his father’s house and go to a foreign land. Well, 22 years ago Dad helped expand Freirich Foods, Inc. by going to a distant land. He left his native home of New York and started a new life in a far-off place called North Carolina. Just as Abraham’s family grew to become a great nation in his new home so too did Dad’s family also expand in Salisbury. The number of Dad’s offspring grew from 2 to 5.

God then promises to make Abraham’s name great. Now, Dad was most definitely the master of his own destiny. He made very clear decisions and was almost never unsure of the right thing to do. Whether Dad’s clear vision for what was right and wrong was divinely inspired or simply genetically encoded we will never know but I believe that Dad’s capacity to judge right and wrong, to honor people for who they are, his business ethics and for his deep and unending commitment to family, Dad ensured the greatness of his name.

And finally God promises that Abraham will be for a blessing - for those of us who love Dad and hold him near to us he will always be for a blessing.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Hazon Ride

Over Labor Day weekend Team Liz got on their bikes and participated in a two day ride from Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center in Falls Village, CT. to Manhattan to raise money for Hazon, an organization that raises money for environmental issues with a Jewish twist. Some of you might remember that Saul participated in Hazon's Israel ride this past May.

One of the best parts of the weekend was the fact that Team Liz got to ride together with Mark (Saul's brother). Here is a photo of the three of us at the beginning of the second day of the ride.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Cyclones Game

Team Liz joined 40 of our closest friends (and a stadium filled with some other folks who we didn't know quite as well) to cheer on the Brooklyn Cyclones (baseball) at their stadium on Coney Island.
It was a truly beautiful evening and the game was fun too!

Saul and his brother Mark.

Nothings better than getting a
Marty Markowitz bobble-head doll!

Sim, Mary Ellen, Trak and Jess enjoy the evening breeze at the stadium.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Getting to Know Judah

After a week at the NC shore Liz's brother and sister-in-law, Jonathan and Ginny, came up to NYC with their son Judah to spend some time with the other side of the family.

Here is a photo of Team Liz with Jonathan, Ginny and Judah on Great Grandma Jewel's terrace.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Week at the Beach

Team Liz joined the Freirich family at the Outer Banks in NC for a fun week of sun, beach, good food and Jeff's (Liz's Dad) 61st Birthday.

From left to right in this photo: Jonathan, Paul, Lizzie, Jeff, Digna, Tanya and Danny.

Pictures above: Uncle Roy, Aunt Deb who is holding Liz's nephew Judah, Judah's mom Ginny and Liz's step-mom Digna.

Jeff celebrates his 61st birthday with almost the whole family.

To see more pictures from the week at the beach click here.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

New Job for Saul

Yesterday Saul started his new job as Director of Life Long Learning at Congregation Emanu-El in Manhattan.

Check-out what Congregation Emanu-El is like by looking at their website.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

July 4th

Team Liz wasted no time in NYC before heading to North Carolina. Here are some photos from our quick visit over July 4th weekend. Above are Liz's step-mom, dad and sister (Digna, Jeff and Tanya).

Saul takes a moment to show off one of his new ties and shirts during dinner at Liz's dad and step-mom's house.

Nothing says "dinner time" like Liz's step-brother Paul slicing up the steaks.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Getting Together with Friends

Team Liz arrived back in America on Sunday, July 1st. We gathered with some of our Brooklyn crew for a welcome home dinner on Monday night.

Here are Dave, Ben and Saul hanging out in the park.

A little pre-dinner entertainment - pushing Ben on a swing in the park.

Dave, Sim, Jess and Saul try to hear the high pitched sound coming out of the computer - if you can hear it you are younger than the rest of us!