Friday, March 21, 2008

Renovations Week 4

Week 4 of the renovations are complete. Amazingly enough most of the big stuff is completed. We have a fully functional bathroom - all we are waiting for is our towel hooks to be installed. The kitchen is also pretty darn close to being completed with our appliances being delivered this week. We had a fun 24 hours after the refrigerator that was initially delivered was found to have a 4 inch wide and 1 inch deep gauge in it (photo below). Thankfully, in the end, everything worked out and we got a brand new refrigerator but it was a bit tense for awhile there.

On Thursday our granite guy came to take a template of the kitchen. This is good since we will not have a kitchen sink until he installs the granite - we are hoping that will happen within about 10 days. Oh yeah, on a not totally renovation related note - our OB told us that the baby was in position and might decide to join this world a bit earlier than our due date! So now we are off and running trying to organize our home so that if the baby decides to come early we have some place to put the kid!